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Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Best Friend's Wedding

One of my very best friends is getting married in a little under a month, leaving me as one of the few remaining unmarried people in my circle of friends. And while, OBVIOUSLY, my friend will be the focus of the day, I want to look good for this. I bought an amazing dress before Thanksgiving with the intention of wearing it to this wedding, but I've put back on a few pounds since then. So now the goal is to get back in this dress quick, fast, and in a hurry. Stay tuned.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Some Basic Truths

I am fat. I am overweight. It's just the truth. Am I morbidly obese? No. Are people grossed out when they look at me? No. (At least I don't think so...) But am I fat? Yes.

But here's the thing. I love the basic shape of my body. Buried underneath several layers of fat is a beautiful woman. I don't have much of a butt or big hips, but there's a gentle curve there that I think is pretty appealing. I have a great rack, just to be honest. My waist nips in the way it should, and my arms and legs are slender.

What's that quotation? “The sculptor produces the beautiful statue by chipping away such parts of the marble block as are not needed--it is a process of elimination.” That's what I'm doing. I'm an artist, tediously sculpting the vision in my head of what my body will be.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

One month down...

So, I'm really bad at blogging. Maybe my commitment shouldn't be to blog every week, but just to blog regularly. Would that be acceptable?

Now. Food and fitness. I've done really badly lately. Firstly, I find that it's nearly impossible to be as good as I should be during the last week or so of an opera production. It's not a great excuse, but alas. It. Is. Tough. Secondly, it's also really difficult to be good when you're sick. I was sick last week and I barely moved off of the couch. I also pretty much ate whatever I wanted, all the while claiming "Oh, it'll make me feel better." But you know what? It mostly didn't make me feel better at all. True, when your throat is sore, ice cream dulls the pain. And you know what else? It ups your body's mucous production. So I don't know that it's actually worth it.


This is a new week. I got up yesterday morning and ran. It was TOUGH after basically a week of stagnate lifestyle, but I did it. And I ate pretty well. And this morning, I got up and went to a brand new yoga class. I'm going to try to start going to yoga twice a week. That's some serious strength training. Three runs a week and two yoga classes. I feel like that's a pretty good routine. I'll keep updating about how it goes.

P.S. This entry's picture comes to you from the waiting area of the Toyota dealership. Fun.